about us

Before their first day at school, every child needs some basic skills to help them take their first steps towards independence. In addition to basic motor skills, cognitive skills are the most basic skill groups for a child who begins to stand on his own feet. These skills, which are acquired through direct and creative games, especially at an early age, are of undeniable importance not only during preschool or school life, but also for our child, who is on his way to becoming an adult, at every moment of his life. In a situation where play is so important, it is obvious how effective toys or game objects can be.

We hope that you can find the answers to your questions about our site, us and our goals below, which we established based on the importance of game objects. Please contact us to get more detailed information.

We are two husband and wife entrepreneurs whose views on the world, expectations about life and interests have changed since our first child joined our family in 2016. For detailed information, you can visit www.greenjump.com.tr .

We offer parents Waldorf and Montessori toys that focus on developing their children's cognitive and motor skills. We implement the ethical business model and do not add toys to our catalog that do not comply with this model and that we believe do not contribute to child development. In addition to the production methods of the brands we work with, their missions and identities are also important to us. We want to encourage our parents who shop from us to buy more functional toys, and we do not only focus on profit, we are proud of other aspects of our work.

The best toy for babies and young children is the simplest toy, that is, ideally, a toy that does nothing. Two types of toys can be found in the market, active and passive. The common feature of passive toys is that they activate the child, support cognitive and physical development processes, and directly contribute to the child's development. On the other hand, active toys allow the child to remain passive and be entertained by the toy. In other words, it negatively affects the child's ongoing cognitive and physical development processes. While both types of toys can entertain the child for hours, the advantage of the passive toy over the other type is that it encourages the child's exploration and ignites his imagination. This is one of the most important elements for the development of babies and young children.

For this reason, we see the products we sell as play objects and tools, not toys. In fact, for a child, everything around him can be a play object. Even if they do not move or sing, unlike toys that do this, passive toys will develop the child's imagination, enable him to gain new abilities, and improve his motor skills and problem-solving abilities.

We want to influence parents' toy choices and encourage them to buy simpler, better toys, to create a community of not only customers but also parents with similar concerns and troubles around the Kidsmondo brand, and to see that the business model we have implemented can be implemented in Turkey, albeit on a small scale.

We want to be a part of the increasing awareness and positive transformation regarding the game and toy culture that we have been following and experiencing with interest for a while.

In addition to the function of the toy, the indispensable criteria for us are that it adheres to ethical values ​​(no child labor, etc.) in the production process, pays attention to fair and ethical trade principles, is safe for children's health and is environmentally friendly.

First of all, we prefer brands whose production and supply processes are transparent and in line with our values. The main factors we take into consideration when choosing toys are the material and paint used, its suitability for the age and whether it contributes to child development, whether it is a passive toy or not, its environmental impact, and user evaluations.